Supporting Nature Investment Decisions

Audit-grade nature mapping data to support all phases of project development and investment.

Trusted by the nature-based market

Forest Carbon
Shell GameChanger

Our Approach

The data and insights we provide are used by groups who all share a common goal: to achieve zero deforestation and mass restoration and tackle the climate emergency.

We support this through the provision of highly accurate data on forest coverage and carbon storage that is required to ensure transparency into the impact of nature-based solutions.

Our process is rooted in decades of research and experience, combining geospatial data analysis and ecologist expertise in a machine learning framework to produce accurate data at geographical scale. 

Mapping Scientists

Peer-reviewed papers published

Hectares mapped globally

How our data supports your NbS program

For Project Investors

Conduct first-pass review of projects to assess feasibility

Review projects with audit-grade data

Independently monitor projects over time

For Project Developers

Screen large areas to identify new project locations

Originate projects with activity and land use data

Data to support issuance and project promotion


Supporting the Technical Assessment of High Integrity Projects with High Accuracy Data

“We were using open source data sets to investigate historic deforestation of the projects, the leakage, and reference areas, which was really challenging because these data sets aren’t locally calibrated and so they have quite a high likelihood of error. Uncertainty in these datasets is also exacerbated in specific regions.”

“We really just wanted the highest quality data for our clients to be able to really give them confidence in supporting the REDD+ projects we represent. So that’s what brought us to Space Intelligence.”

– Dr. Maren Pauly,
Director of Evaluation & Research,

Recent News

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Announcing our REDD+ Insights solution – Increasing Transparency and Integrity of Impact Claims

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