
Space Intelligence provides the highest quality nature data insights to support forest carbon project development and review to help you de-risk investment and maximize impact.

Our audit-grade land cover data catalogue is being developed on a country-by-country basis to provide data you can trust, whether you are developing, originating, or retiring credits from projects.

Our mapping process leverages decades of experience and research, combining satellite data and ecological expertise in a machine learning framework. We incorporate local calibration to capture regional factors that impact data output, such as national forest definitions, seasonality of forests, cloud cover impact and more, to produce accuracy at scale.

Standard Data Catalogue Specifications

Country-scale Land Cover Maps

6+ Land Cover Classes per Country

Multiple Time Points & Change Maps

Accuracy Assessments

Our Data Catalogue

Data Products

Our growing data catalogue can be purchased through a number of product options to meet your needs.


High accuracy land cover data available on-demand as GEOTIFF files ready for your use.

Priced per Hectare


Request additional years or data points (including above-ground biomass) to customise each data product to your needs

Priced per Data Requirements

Insight Reports

Out-of-the-box insights to support feasibility assessments or due diligence across pre- and post-issuance projects.

Priced per Report


How our land cover data supports your NbS program

For Investors & Buyers

Conduct first-pass review of projects to assess feasibility

Review projects with audit-grade data

Independently monitor projects over time

For Developers

Screen large areas to identify new project locations

Originate projects with activity and land use data

Data to support issuance and project promotion

Have a Question?

Interested in learning more about the technical specifications and pricing of any of our land cover data sets? Fill out the form with your contact details and a member of our team will be in touch within 24 hours to schedule a time to answer your questions.

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