Space Intelligence win SME showcase spot at Scotland’s 2021 CAN DO Innovation Summit
Space Intelligence win SME showcase spot at Scotland’s 2021 CAN DO Innovation Summit
We’re excited to have been selected as one of three SME winners to be showcased at Scotland’s CAN DO Innovation Summit on 3rd February. This grants us additional exposure at the Summit, plus two days of support from an Innovation specialist at Scottish Enterprise.
We’re very grateful for our ongoing support from the CAN DO Innovation Challenge Fund, which has allowed us to grow our team and develop new technologies to develop the business over the past year. In particular, their AI for Good funding, awarded to us in two phases over the past year, has allowed us to establish a first complete habitat map of the entirety of Scotland, including islands, which we’re currently in the process of delivering. This will actually be two maps, for 2019 and 2020, so accurate change in habitat type (at an unprecedented 0.04 hectare resolution) can be used to increase the accuracy of Scotland’s annual Natural Capital Asset Index assessment, in addition to monitoring and planning habitat restoration projects across Scotland.
We’re also very grateful to Scottish Enterprise – particularly Maria Lorente – and the Unlocking Ambition fund for helping us to grow over the past year.
The Summit is a headline event of the VentureFest Scotland festival of innovation, and supports Scottish SMEs building an innovation-led recovery, resilience and sustainable growth after recent national and global challenges.
Scottish EDGE CEO Evelyn McDonald commented: “Judging the #SMEstage competition was a great way to start the year as it reminded us all that despite the challenges we are currently facing there are a wealth of entrepreneurs and businesses in Scotland creating new technologies to enable innovation-led recovery and growth. Winning the competition will give the businesses access to a wide audience which will hopefully bring useful connections and support as well as linking them into invaluable support from Scottish Enterprise.”
We look forward to discovering new ideas, and making new connections, at the Summit next week!